Surfing & Leisure

Come To Surf, Stay For Leisure

Whether you’re a wave catcher or surf spectator, Sandy’s offers a space to dwell between swells, sip on Margaritas and savour great food. Sandy feet welcome!

URBNSURF is New South Wales first surf park. The site spans 3.2 hectares and provides perfect waves all year long. With the capacity to host more than 1000 visitors daily, it aims to make surfing more accessible for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Catch some waves, play in the water, or explore the Rip Curl shop and refuel at Sandy’s. If you’ve booked a surf session, your entry to Sandy’s is included.

Surfing Packages

Have you always wanted to give surfing a crack? URBNSURF Sydney is offering an unlimited lessons and family fun pass so you can enjoy riding the waves in style!

Family Fun Pass
A 4 pack of Surf In The Bays or Boog In The Bays lessons for $149. Available from 4th November, 2024.

Find out more and book your lessons below.